We’ve Delivered 20K+ Hygiene Items to Essential Workers from Community Drives

Last month, our co-founder Rine and operations director Kaitlyn partnered with Martha’s Table and Thrive DC to host three Thanksgiving community drives in Washington DC. All in all, we helped over 1,500 families!


Since September, we’ve donated over 20,000 hygiene items to essential workers and their families through on-the-ground hygiene drives by partnering up with local community groups and nonprofits like food banks, homeless shelters, and women’s organizations. Companies like Dropps, The Honey Pot Company, and Avène generously offered their products to make these donation drives possible!

We’ve seen first-hand the impact of these drives—when families are forced to choose between providing the next meal and keeping their family safe, a simple donation of laundry detergent, toothpaste, or menstrual items can make the world of a difference.

Over the next few months, our goal is to reach 50,000 families impacted by the pandemic.

If you’d like to help sponsor or provide products to one of our next community drives, please email us: team@giveessential.org


How can I help?

  • Organize a drive in your community: Whether you’re an individual, business, or community group, we’re happy to help you organize an event in your area!

  • Donate product: All products donated will be donated directly at our community drives. Email us here: team@giveessential.org

  • Donate: Monetary donations will be used to pay for storage fees, product purchases, transportation fees, and more. Donate here.


Give Essential is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization!


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